Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ethan is One!

We have officially survived our first year together!  It is hard to believe that an entire year has passed us by so quickly.  My emotions go back and forth between excitement for my little guy getting so big and being sad that he isn't a baby much longer. 

Ethan was born on Father's Day last year.  So this is technically Robert's second Father's Day.  Since I am not producing people this year Robert settled for a family breakfast, a Chicago White Sox Diaper Bag (that I won't be carrying), and a beautiful key chain with the little one's toe print and name. 

For Ethan's First Birthday, Robert had an early flight out for work so we are saving presents until he gets back.  We had a great day anyway.  Ethan got his first card in the mail from Great Grandma Flynn.  We will be checking out the build-a-bear workshop next week!  Thanks Great Grandma!  We went to eat lunch with Gram and PaPaw at Applebee's and then spent the afternoon shopping with Gram for last minute party items.  He got a couple of afternoon gifts too.  He got a new phone that he loves and a new pair of jammies.  Grandma Flynn and Uncle Mike came over for a dinner celebration at the house.  They brought along a couple of presents, cuppies, and Captain America mask and whistle blowers.  He fell in love his new Spiderman couch that Uncle Mike gave him.  It is pretty cool.  It folds out into a fold out bed with an attached sleeping bag.  He is one happy little one year old. 

And, our last monkey picture proudly using his new couch.


Weight: 24 pounds, 5 oz (72nd percentile)
Height: 30" (58th percentile)
Head Circumfrence: 48cm (90th percentile)
Teeth: We will say 3 and a quarter.  He has the bottom two, the top left and the top right is breaking through. 
Formula: As of last Saturday we are no longer on formula.  We ran out and decided to stick to organic milk.  We slowly started introducing milk a little more each day.  We are down to using the bottle only in the morning and before bed.
Solids:  Pretty much the same as last month.  We are fortunate enough to have a little guy that will try anything.  His current favorite is fruit.  He loves oranges, watermelon, and blueberries.
New tricks: He is working really hard on learning to walk.  He gets a little more confident everyday.  He has taken a lot of interest in pushing his walker around.  He is so proud walking around the house or outside taking in the sights.
Characteristics:  Hugs, hugs, hugs!!  The boy loves hugs and kisses. 
Likes:  He loves Turk.  He is now following him around the kitchen and living room. 
Dislikes:  Right now, baths.  He used to really enjoy them.  Now, we can't get him to sit down in the tub.

Ethan, your daddy and I love you so much.  You have brought great joy into our lives.  You are such a blessing to us.  The day you were born I learned what it truly means to worry and to love unconditionally.  You keep a piece of me each time you are away.  You melt my heart with a smile or one of your big bear hugs.  Your innocence, curiosity, and natural happiness teach us so much everyday.  We hope you keep these traits with you as you grow.  We look forward to watching you as you go from baby to toddler over the next year to see how you change our lives yet again.  We love you sweet boy.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ethan learns to love

It has been a weird week.  Not a bad week, no complaints, just a weird week.  Turk got out, I fell in love with Snickerdoodle cupcakes, we have had diaper mishaps.  But, it is a week I want to remember.  Everyday this week I SEE the love my baby has for me.  His bear hug that he gives frequently throughout the day.  The two handed face grab to pull closer for a kiss.  The extra snuggles that I have enjoyed in the mornings.  The way he rubs my arm while I am rocking him before his naps.  These are the things that make me melt, smile, and want to weep with joy all at the same time.  This week has also brought some new tricks.  Ethan has picked clapping back up.  He claps for EVERYTHING!  Monday, I looked back to him in his carseat and saw him with a bottle lid on his foot that he was kicking up in the air and clapping his hands.  If anyone says "Yea!" he claps.  I can even hear him through his monitor when he wakes up clapping about, I assume, his happy dreams. 

Robert, our new Grad School Student - University of Dallas bound, and Ethan enjoyed a guys weekend while I went on our annual Sister Trip to Galveston.  This is how it started.  Boys.  Saturday they enjoyed Cousin Emma's 3rd birthday party.  Sunday, they made their trip to Kroger to pick up some Ethan essentials.  All in all I would say they had a pretty great weekend.  Only one casualty that I am aware, a beloved picture frame.  Totally replaceable. 

Chug-a-lug at Cracker Barrel

Being an angel while Mom is away

I had great time spending the extra one-on-one time with my sister.  Beaches, floppy hats, crafty beach gifts, and margaritas = one great weekend.  Thank you Robert, Allison, and Vicki for helping make the weekend possible!

The new boardwalk

First night in town

My first floppy hat

And the horse that bit her.....again

I was really glad to be home back with my three boys.  Since I am a souvineir shopping addict all of the boys got plenty of gifts.  Who knew the favorite would be this little $.49 starfish?  After this little back and forth I found Turk eating - that's right, I said EATING - the little guy.  He was barking at it and scared at first.  I guess eating it was the solution.  That's $.49 I'll never see again.  Poor starfish. 

And just for fun.

Tonight at bathtime.

Up next:  Ethan turns 1!  EEEKKK!