Saturday, June 4, 2016

Brady's birthday....again

I promise this will be the last post for Brady's birthday.

The day of Brady's birthday I thought it would be fun to do something special. So we went to the aquarium in Grapevine with just the 3 of us. Even though we have been many, many times, both boys had a great time. Brady is just recently starting to really take it all in and truly enjoy it. We all three enjoyed every minute of it. I am so lucky to have these two boys, even if they do drive me completly crazy at least part of every day!

We started the day with a quick birthday picture in front of the banner. And of course Ethan had to join in. This one is Brady trying to copy Ethan. And it is my favorite picture.

Then we were on our way to the aquarium. Of course this included some smiles and nose picking on the way. I'm definitely outnumbered by boys.

After the aquarium, we had some lunch and rode the carousel at the mall. 

He begs to ride and this is his reaction. 

Later, Dad came home early and we had presents, pizza and cupcakes to celebrate.

He is one loved little boy! Happy 2nd birthday Hulk Baby! We love you!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Daily Challenge: Days 116-152

Day 116: April 25, my grandmothers birthday. In honor we planted marigolds, which for some reason remind me of her. 

Day 117: Sneaking in on them, Ethan loves to "read" books to Brady.

Day 118: I love evenings like this.

Day 119: "Mom, you weren't trying to do dished, were you?"

Day 120: His teenage attitude got him baseboard duties. The house might be deep cleaned by the end of the summer.

Day 121: Family art time.

Day 122: I went to put my camera in the bag for a session and he followed me and said "eeeeze!" But that face...

Day 123: This was a rough day. But, we started and ended well. That's what matters at the end of the day....the giggles and the bonds made along the way.

Day 124: Flying with Dad

Day 125: First day in the "pool"

He got in quickly and hopped right out because it was cold. He watched for awhile and finally worked his way back.

Day 126: Home for 30 seconds before this happened.

Day 127: Learning to draw BB-8 at the Disney store

My budding artist wanted me to draw with him.

Day 128: Fine motor skills at their best when chocolate is at stake.

Day 129: Mother's Day. It's out of focus but this about sums up my world with these crazies. I love them so.

Day 130: First day at Del Coronado

Day 131: If one must work while on vacation

Day 132: Walking the streets of Coronado

Day 133: He asked me to take his picture with his buddy.

Monkey see, monkey do

Day 134: I love watching this kid eat. He's so animated about it.

Playing with his new toy

Day 135: Bathtime

"Do dinosaurs like soap? I bet Andrew Romine would know. Message his mom and ask her"

Turning on the water when Dad told us not to.

Day 136: Giving the kids a break today.

Day 137: Jumps in the pool like his Dad

Day 138: Almost 2 and he thinks he's big enough to give up the booster

Loves to jump. All.the.time

This kid, that face.

Watching, always watching

Day 139: Taking a break from our dance party

Day 140: Twinkle twinkle little star

Day 141: "Mommy, can Brady sleep with me tonight?"

Day 142: So much fun at his Little Blue Truck party.

Day 143: Playing with tractors

Day 144: Morning thunderstorms and Lego Avengers 

Day 145: Time to start packing.

They were playing while I made dinner. I snuck out there to listen and heard him singing "You're my best little bud, my best friend" And this is the face he made when he saw me.

Day 146: Big brother showing him how to use his new bath toy.

Day 147: Playing outside before the rain comes

Last last day of Bible Bears

He wanted to hold my hand to walk to class.

All registered for Kinder.

Day 148: Love that they love the book store. They could spend tons of time here or the library.

Day 149: Freelensing Turk

Day 150: Why you shouldn't have the tv on while having dinner.

Day 151: Memorial Day fun

Day 152: Today Brady turns 2. We went to the aquarium to celebrate.

That brings us to the end of May. Almost halfway through the year!