Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekend Update with....

Norm McDonald Ethan Flynn.  Last week Ethan had his first sleepover at Gram's house.  He and I stayed for a couple of days to visit while Dad was away in New Mexico.  About this time he started to sleep about 8+ hours.  Woo Hoo!!!  On Saturday we celebrated Grandma's Flynn's birthday with lunch with Uncle Chris, Aunt Diana, and cousin Emma at Central Market.  Emma is getting so big.  Hopefully, they will have fun together getting each other into a little trouble.  Saturday night we went to visit "Uncle" Chris with Ethan's first trip to Applebee's in Denton.  He also met Ryin for the first time, even thought he slept the entire meal.  Sunday, he attended his first bridal expo at the Gaylord Texan before "Aunt" Kristin brought him home until I got off work.  At the expo we walked around, tasted yummy cake, and watched the fashion show.  The weekend ended in high spirits.  Hopefully the rest of the week will fall in the same line.  We are staring full time cloth diapering today.  Updates on that when we get the hang of it.

Notice the drool.  This has increased lately.  I hoping we don't start cutting teeth too early. 

And for those that are wondering:  The State Fair starts in 31 days!!! Hopefully it will cool down enough for us to take Ethan with us.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

2 month checkup

We went for his 2 month checkup this morning.  Vaccinations are not fun.  I have never seen anything turn so red so fast.  He is snoozing away right now though, which gives me the opportunity to update all of you.  Since he is 14 lbs 6 oz there was plenty of meat on his legs to put a shot.  He is in the 95th percentile in weight.  He measures at 23 1/2 inches.  He definitely loves his groceries. 

When I questioned the doctor about how important it is to get him on a schedule he told me that I should set up my own blog on how to get a two month old to sleep 6-7 hours a night.  Evidently, I am doing something right.  So to follow doctor's orders:
I let him eat as much as he wants during the day, which is a lot (but that is evident.)  We are on a baby made schedule (I don't have the patience to enforce a parent made schedule).  If he is hungry I feed him.  I play when he wants to and he sleeps when he wants.  Bath time starts at 9 most nights, which he loves.  I think the warm water is soothing to him. Although, it could be my lovely singing voice that soothes him--no, I think it is the water too.  And we usually end up with pee in the water---boys.  We put his jammies on after his bath.  For some reason he finds pleasure in this too.  We get the cutest smiles when we change into to jammies.  Maybe he likes dressing like the kids in Peter Pan with his long gown and dreams of Neverland.  That would explain all of the smiling in his sleep.  After this, we feed him one last time and he is usually asleep between 10:30 and 11.  And he will sleep until 5:30 or 6.  He eats a little bit and back down until 9 or 10.  No complaints here. Update - slept unitl 7:30 this morning.  That is only because I woke him up to leave.

So it seems everything is on track in our crazy world.  I am feeling very blessed.  However, I could go for some cooler weather soon.  This is getting ridonkulous!!

I tried to get a pic of my two boys together in their brotherly love shirts, but this is the best I could get. 

Next task: getting him in his cloth diapers.  Cute, but bulky.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

2 months old

Yesterday, Ethan was two months old.  Time really does fly by.  He is going to catch up to this monkey in no time.  We had a great week.  While it was a little trying while Robert was in Houston this week, I think we did ok.  Thursday we went to meet the TCU crew and then went to lunch with Sherri.  Other than that it has been lots of tummy time and napping in our house!  We are looking forward to a low key weekend.

Up next, two month check-up.  How much have I grown???

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A new chapter

Well the six weeks are up and I had to go back to work.  Thanks to my super awesome hubby, mom, and mother in law, I get to be a stay at home mom, while working part time in the wedding biz.  But, the best part is no daycare.  I started working a couple of days a week at the Marquis, where Robert and I had our wedding reception just 2 1/2 short years ago.  I will also be sporting my wedding skills at the the Robert Carr Chapel at TCU a couple of weekends each  month.  So, if you have any events coming up, be sure to give me a call. 

In the Ethan news, I know that is the reason you come check us out anyway, he is doing great and growing fast.  At 8 weeks old he is now very smilely and loves to ooh and coo.  The morning is definitely his favorite time of day.  He is more alert everyday.  We are trying to get him to start hanging out on his own some, but we aren't have much luck.  We are open to suggestions!!  He last about 5-10 minutes in the bouncer.  He is starting to swat at the monkey.  Update - dorctor says he will start to grow out of this in month or two.  Sighs....

Robert and I did get to go on our first outing sans Ethan last weekend.  Our good friend Sherri offered to babysit so we could go see a movie.  FYI - Crazy, Stupid, Love is a good movie.  Love, love, love Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling.  

Two month picture will be posted Friday - so check back often.   Here is a smiling and cooing Chunky Monkey