Saturday, January 28, 2012

Learning to love and gab

The new man in my life really knows how to warm my heart. He is learning so many new things everyday. His crawling has picked up speed just in the past couple of days. My guess is he will be making me chase him around within the next couple of weeks. Ethan has started taking a interest in his shapes bucket. He mainly likes to gnaw on them, but he is also intrigued by the different forms. But, my two favorite things he has learned in the past few days are the affection he is starting give. It started out with reaching his arms out for me. He started with me and now reached for a few others too, i.e. Dad, Grandmothers, Aunt Carissa. His newest form of affection is KISSES!! Of course they are open mouthed, but straight for the mouth or cheek. I love his new personality that starting to show. He is such a sweet little cuddle monkey!!  I am working hard on getting that moment caught on camera.  He is too quick for us.  But here is a little bathtime fun with hide and seek (don't worry, I was watching him closely).
I see you!
"First words" came yesterday, January 27.  We think it sounds like "nah nah dada".  Of course Robert is over the moon about hearing dada!  Understandably so.  Check out our little chatter box. 

It seems as though everything is coming at once.  He is making a lot of chewing motions with his mouth.  I am not sure if that is for comfort of possible teething or whatever else it could be.  Just when I think he can't get anymore fun he proves me wrong!  Who knows what tomorrow will bring!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Crawling into the New Year

According to friends and family, our lives have now changed and there is no turning back!  It is official...we have a crawler in the house.  It was a sunny Saturday afternoon.  It had been a long, frustrating, and tiring night the previous night.  I was TIRED that afternoon.  I was waiting for Turk to come in from outside.  While standing at the backdoor, I looked down to see Ethan crawling towards me.  Those bright blue eyes were wide with pride and staring straight at me.  He was so determined.   Jumping up and down and screaming quickly ensued once Carissa and I realized what was happening.  He may have kept me up for awhile throughout the night (which he rarely does), but he really knew how to make up for it.  The past few days he has been working on mastering his new skill.  Turk better look out.  He may have a shadow before too long. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

7 months old!

Seven months old and taking center stage.  This month he decided that he didn't really need the gorilla in his picture.  This is actually one of the few I got that he wasn't covering the gorilla or trying to eat him.  Ethan has become a little ham.  His personality is really starting to show.  He takes every chance he gets to get us to smile or laugh.  He is scootching himself around the house really well.  If I am in the kitchen for too long he will come find me.  He may be a little clingy some days, but I don't mind.  I actually love that he wants to be with me all the time.  He has started reaching for the person he wants, which is usually Turk.  At least I am second choice. 

With the great weather we are having lately we have been able enjoy a few walks to the park and jogs around the block.  Here are some outtakes of today. 

Playing at the park last week!

Robert and I also ventured out a couple of weekends ago to a quick getaway to Las Vegas with some friends.  Ethan got to stay with Gram for the weekend while we took in the strip and a show.  We went to see Cirque de Soliel Mystere, went to Tao for dinner one night, went to the Titanic and Bodies exhibits, and mainly just walked around the rest of the time.  Robert even got me to gamble a little.  It was nice to get away, but I was ready to get back to my baby.

Happy Thursday!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Six month checkup

Just a quick post since we had a doctor's appointment this morning. The doctor says that everything looks great. His congestion is very normal for this age and there is not much that we can do about it.  We are also ready to start eating meat: chicken, turkey, hamburger meat. The little guy loves to eat so hopefully this will go well.


Weight: 22 lbs 9 oz (97%) up from 19 lbs 14 oz at 4 months

Height: 27 1/2 inches (76%) up from 25 1/5 inches

Head circumference: 46 1/2 cm (97%)

At least he enjoyed the visit up until the shots.

Please don't make me get a shot
This paper is MINE!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolute in 2012

Happy 2012 to everyone!!  I, of course started the year out sick, just as I do just about every year.  But, Robert, being the awesome husband and father that he is, has been taking care of both, Ethan and me.  I am on the mend and ready to get the year kicked off the right way....with a trip to Vegas!  More on that next week. 

Ethan wishes everyone a great 2012.  Thanks for the bib Aunt Carissa!
I am not a big believer in resolutions.  I feel the majority of people, sadly last about a month and go back to the normal routine.  Kudos to those that keep their resolutions from year to year.  I do believe in a fresh start each year.  And in the spirit of New Years I have a few goals I would like to achieve this year.  Maybe sharing them with everyone will hold us a little more accountable for them.

1. Get to know my new sewing machine better.  Maybe she needs a name so that we are sure to become better acquainted.  I already have a list of projects to help with this one.

2. Take my nap time to improve on our house, myself, or reading.  No more relaxing for that time.  Plus, we have been in the house for almost three years and I am still not satisfied with our bedroom and our hallway.  I guess this will always be a work in progress though.

3. Make it a point to attend more playgroups this year.  Ethan really seems to enjoy mingling with other babies.  We actually had a playgroup yesterday.  There were only three of us there, but that made Ethan a little player with his two ladies with whom he could mingle.  He actually got a little handsy with poor little Jordyn, who is just a couple of weeks younger than him.  Seems we may have a little Joey Tribiani on our hands.  (Sorry, I couldn't resist the Friends reference.)  They were really cute together.  I wish I had gotten a couple of pictures.

What does everyone else have planned for the upcoming year?

Tomorrow is Ethan's 6 month checkup.  We will post stats when we get them!