Happy 2012 to everyone!! I, of course started the year out sick, just as I do just about every year. But, Robert, being the awesome husband and father that he is, has been taking care of both, Ethan and me. I am on the mend and ready to get the year kicked off the right way....with a trip to Vegas! More on that next week.
Ethan wishes everyone a great 2012. Thanks for the bib Aunt Carissa! |
I am not a big believer in resolutions. I feel the majority of people, sadly last about a month and go back to the normal routine. Kudos to those that keep their resolutions from year to year. I do believe in a fresh start each year. And in the spirit of New Years I have a few goals I would like to achieve this year. Maybe sharing them with everyone will hold us a little more accountable for them.
1. Get to know my new sewing machine better. Maybe she needs a name so that we are sure to become better acquainted. I already have a list of projects to help with this one.
2. Take my nap time to improve on our house, myself, or reading. No more relaxing for that time. Plus, we have been in the house for almost three years and I am still not satisfied with our bedroom and our hallway. I guess this will always be a work in progress though.
3. Make it a point to attend more playgroups this year. Ethan really seems to enjoy mingling with other babies. We actually had a playgroup yesterday. There were only three of us there, but that made Ethan a little player with his two ladies with whom he could mingle. He actually got a little handsy with poor little Jordyn, who is just a couple of weeks younger than him. Seems we may have a little Joey Tribiani on our hands. (Sorry, I couldn't resist the Friends reference.) They were really cute together. I wish I had gotten a couple of pictures.
What does everyone else have planned for the upcoming year?
Tomorrow is Ethan's 6 month checkup. We will post stats when we get them!