Tuesday, April 30, 2013


This past weekend Ethan and I went to visit Aunt Carissa and Gram in Red Oak.  It was a very busy weekend.  Friday, Ethan got some one on one time with Gram while I helped Carissa register for baby Macy coming in July. Saturday we went see baby Macy's 3D sonogram.  While we were there we dropped by Nana and Pop's house.  While we were there he gladly followed Pop out to visit the neighbor's horses.  He was IN LOVE!!

He truly had no fear.  He loved being kissed on the head.  Pop would grab a handful of grass.  He showed him how to feed the horse.  Ethan would hold it out and when the horse came to grab it, Ethan would throw it up and laugh hysterically. 

Of course he was quick to tell us he was a little tired and ready for a break.

We also made another attempt at bluebonnets while were there.  The bluebonnets were a little better but, the kid was not.  He was just not in the mood when we stopped.

Monday, April 22, 2013

What should be bluebonnet pictures

...are actually pictures in a field of greens with specs of purple.  I had been told by many in the area that the JCP campus has a large field of beautiful bluebonnets to get to some photos of the kiddos.  So, Sarah, Joe, and Abigail came all the way from Ft. Worth to see us, have dinner, and take some pictures of some cuties.  I can see that most years there are probably bountiful bluebonnets.  Not this year.  Maybe we haven't had enough rain or too many random cold snaps.  But, that didn't stop me from following these kids around with my camera.  Here are just a few of what I got.

Peek-a-boo, Abigail

Ethan not sharing his goldfish
Playing ring around the rosy
Now this one is pink, and this one is red...
A true shot of their personalities.  Abigail is always running, Ethan is very laid back and chill
Love him

Stopping to smell the flowers
Abigail is actually sitting behind him here

Always smiling

While we didn't have a lot of luck with the bluebonnets this year, we had a great time chasing these little ones around.  They tried to photobomb another family's photo session.  Sarah even lost her keys in the field. We had to call Robert and Joe to come help us find them.  Joe saved the day and found them in a bush.  We are glad they decided to come out for dinner and fun.

Hopefully, Waxahachie will be a better spot this weekend.

Friday, April 19, 2013

22 Months Old

Each passing month makes me sad and excited all at the same time.  My little baby is growing so fast and will soon be two.  This little guy keeps us on the go.  He is busy from the minute he wakes up until we force him into bed, which is no picnic lately.  He is also super sweet.  He is the king of hugs and kisses and quite the charmer.

He loves anything that has wheels, wings, or paws.  We often hear vroom, vroom.  And he loves to be outside.  Fortunately, the weather has been spectacular for the most part for the past couple of weeks.  He has loved being able to play on the back patio and chase Turk around the yard.  And somehow he keeps producing stones from Grandma and Grandpa's house in our backyard.  It may be time to bust out the water toys soon.

Robert loves that he sits in the carseat with his leg crossed like this
He is a super observant little one.  He can spot any speck of an airplane in the sky.  Anytime he hears it he waves his little hand and make airplane noises.  He also finds the smallest things in books or pictures.  He is starting to associate similar items.  For instance, the Chuck pictures on the wall.  He knew immediately that they were of his toys.

Other things he does that are pretty funny:
He yells "Da-da!" with his eyes squeezed shut.
He lays down on the floor and fake snores with his eyes open.
He likes to act as though he is going to give you something and then snatch it away.  He can play this forever.
He dips EVERYTHING in BBQ sauce, i.e. apple slices, strawberries.
He loves queso and salsa, maybe not funny, but want it noted.
He plays peek-a-boo with himself
He loves his sunglasses
He loves to look at himself in the mirror

Things he hates:
Going to sleep.  He is a great sleeper.  He has recently started screaming at us when it is time to go to bed.  It takes almost 30 minutes to calm him down some nights.  It is so heartbreaking to leave him in there like that.  But, once he calms down he goes to sleep fairly quickly.

I am proud to report that we are sippy-like-bottle free!  This bottle was used for milk morning and night only.  I have been trying to phase it out for awhile. We finally got him moved over completely to a regular cup with a straw or lid.  Yeah!!

We have also gone potty in the potty!!  He did it every night before bath for 4-5 nights in a row.  He was so excited and proud for himself.  He doesn't want to do it now but, there is still hope for the future!

Our Day with Thomas

Today we had a Day Out with Thomas.  The train station in Grapevine did a great job of making one of the trains into Thomas for everyone to ride through town and of course get a photo op afterwards.  A few of us from playgroup and Grandma ventured out in the cold weather to take a ride on Thomas, play with toy train tracks, and of course buy some fun train toys for home.

Thank goodness for Taylor and her camera because my camera was acting a little funny today.  

The boys were a little unsure about the experience until the train started to move.  They enjoyed looking out of the window at the scenery and kind of liked listening to the music that was overhead with the clapping and stomping.
A frosty red nose but, enjoying to scenery
One cozy kid

After we took a tour of Grapevine we decided to go some souvenir shopping and enjoy some sun.

Abigail and Ethan watching Sarah

After getting a little ink, Thomas style

Hanging out with Grandma

Hanging with his buddy, Camden

Everyone else stayed and had some more fun but, we decided we had endured enough of the wind and cold and decided to head out for lunch.