Friday, October 31, 2014

Brady is 5 months old!

How is this sweet, usually smiley boy 5 months old so soon?

We traded in our white onesie in honor of Halloween today. 
Brady is a pretty easy going little guy most of the time. The past few days he has been a little fussier. But, for the better part of his days, he is a happy boy. It may be the nature of the second child but, he is pretty flexible in his schedule. As long as he gets a nap at some point we are good. 

We have been working a lot on sitting up lately. Some days are better than others. Sometimes he will last a few minutes. Other times he will tumble right over. Maybe he's just not in the mood and that is his way of telling us. He is also getting much stronger on his stomach. He is lifting to about his belly when laying on this stomach. I propped him up in push up position for fun today. He lasted for just a second. Ethan thought it was hilarious. He is rolling some, not a lot. He can do it. I think he has a hard time getting his chubby self over. But, I have found him in his crib turned over many times. His favorite position is standing. He has recently started jerking himself into a pencil position until we stand him up. Then he smiles away. 

His favorite place right now is his exersaucer. He loves to bounce away in that thing while I make dinner, wash bottles, or change out the laundry.

Having afternoon tea with big brother at school
He loves his big brother. He thinks he is hilarious. Ethan sings to him, talks to him, and reads to him. But, his favorite thing that Ethan does is lay on him. He giggles so hard when Ethan is laying on him. I will never understand. It always looks like he's hurting him. I guess I am wrong. 

He was happy to be included in our play date. Both boys just wanted to sit and tickle him.
He also loves playing in the mirror. He has made a new friend, himself. This is how I get ready some days.

We are officially eating solids now. We bypassed the cereal all together with him because Ethan hated it. He has had and loves sweet potatoes, butternut squash, green peas (may be a favorite), pears, and oatmeal. Not sure if he is going through a growth spurt right now or not. But, I feel like he is eating all day right now. At least he sleeps all night, 8-7ish most nights, give or take. 

Loving some oatmeal, all over his face
Big brother helping him eat some squash
First time in the high chair while out to eat. Ava kept him company while tempting him with some tortilla.
 This boy is growing up way too fast for me. At least he does it with a smile.

Happy Halloween!

What a great Halloween! This is the first year Ethan really 'got' trick or treating. He asked me ALL DAY, "Can we go trick or treating now?", " Is it time to go yet?" He gave us the biggest smile when I asked if he was ready to go get his costume on.

Ethan got to pick the costumes this year. He chose to be a ninja turtle, the orange one, because it is his favorite color. He has not once seen the show or any movie. He just thinks they are pretty cool. So Michaelangelo dictated who wore what color to complete the foursome.

We got started just as the sun was setting. We were able to get a neighbor to take a family picture for us, a rare occurrence.

Hi yaa! He is ready to go!
Heros in a half shell

Cutest little baby ninja

Me and my little boy

Me and my big boy

Love this one.

Trick or treating is hard work!
Shortly after this, Robert took Brady home while Ethan and I ventured on our quest for more goodies. He was pretty happy to have some alone time with me. I was too.

We soon went home though. I knew he was getting tired when he asked to go home. They were both in bed by 8:30. 

We hope everyone else had a great Halloween as well!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Halloween Decorating

It was an exciting Saturday night at the Flynn house. Ethan picked two pumpkins at the pumpkin patch yesterday, one for himself and one for Brady. So tonight we did a little painting. Sorry to miss our playgroup Halloween party, but we enjoyed the family time that we haven't had in a couple of weeks.

We started out with pretty colors

We somehow ended up here.

He would not sit next to it, only in front.

Hanging with the boys.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Pumpkin Patch 2014

It was a warm day at the pumpkin patch. This is my favorite playdate each year. Ethan was super excited to go this year too. I was excited to get some great pictures of him because he was so excited. I should know better. He did not want to look at the camera at all. Oh well. He had fun playing with Nate today. Somehow we got lost from the rest of the group most of the day.

Hayride with my boys. Brady, of course, fell asleep just before.

Us with Nate and mom, Lacie

Ethan and friend, Nate

Some of the younger siblings of the group.

The annual group picture.

And for comparison

Year 1: 2012 
Year 1: 2012

Year 2: 2013
How we have grown and changed.

He was not amused by the pot.