Sunday, April 26, 2015

Bluebonnet love

The bluebonnets were gorgeous this year. With all of the rain we have had they were in full bloom and so bright! So, why not try to get some adorable pictures of the kids in the fields, right? The kids had different plans. Ethan was so excited about them...until we got there. Macy was so super tired by that time of day. And Brady, well he was just happy to be sitting in a bucket but didn't really want to look at the camera with his precious smile. However, the day before when I took some of the lovely Emma. She was wonderful. I also had a couple of other shoots in the bluebonnets. Somehow, I always get better shots of other people's kids. It's a good thing or I wouldn't get paid.

Here are a few of what I was able to get.

He was definitely the most cooperative of the group

Practicing his roller coaster scream for Disney 

This pretty much sums up the day....most of the my days.

My first little love

Because I couldn't decide how to crop it.

Gaga in a bucket

Ethan's true feeling of the day

A little glitter practice for me.

That face

LOVE these of Emma!

And with the rain I thought it would be a good opportunity to practice some post rain shots too. It wasn't exactly what I was going for but he enjoyed himself. And, the thunder is rolling in now. Maybe I will give it another go in the next day or two.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Hanging at Gaga's House

Last weekend we went to visit the family. The boys had a great time, Ethan especially. We went to the park, had lunch at Chick-fil-a, and had fun just playing at the house.

I guess since he's the oldest he thinks he's in charge. It's a reasonable assumption if you ask me. :)

Macy, we don't play on the table.

Catching up on the some light reading with Auntie Crissa

I found this guy all around the park. He's a very active dog.
Everyone had a great time and we can't wait for them to come visit us next weekend to play.

Fighting the Storm season

We have had so much rain these past few weeks. It's amazing. It has been a long time since we have seen this much rain here. The flowers are blooming beautifully because of it. We have only been able to play 2 of Ethan's t-ball games so far. 

In between showers I was able to get the boys in the backyard to play with the water table. This was a new experience for Brady. They were both entertained for at least an hour until it was time for me to go make dinner. Needless to say, I will be getting it back out as soon as we have another break in the storms this weekend.

Playing nicely together
Love these fleeting glimpses of babyhood. Ugh, those cheeks

Almost got it

A pretty common face around here!
Baby blues

Can't keep his tongue in his mouth.

Those eyes
It wasn't long before these two came to tackle me.
We have also been able to get out and take some bluebonnet pictures. I hope to have those up in a day or two. These boys are keeping me busy. And it seems midnight is the only time to get anything done around here. But, look at those 2 sets of eyes to talk me into playing instead of cleaning. It will still be there tomorrow I guess. For now, I will keep playing because as I look at these pictures I see that somehow Ethan looks like he has grown 2 feet overnight. My heart aches! Extra hugs and kisses tomorrow...and he might be able to talk me into that extra book next time. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy 10 months Brady!

Ack! Only 2 months until this little guy is 1! How have these last 10 months flown by so quickly.

He is still a happy boy most days. However, teething has been an evil in our house. He now has 3 teeth, right bottom and top right lateral came in this month. In between his bouts of teething torture he is happy. 

Getting him to sit still these days is impossible. Diaper changes are a joy. He is always on the go. 

He pulls himself up on everything, including his brother. And he does a lot of cruising around the furniture.

Baby gates have become a necessity in the house.

This little one is so active. He's going to be tough to keep up with when he starts walking!