Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring has sprung

Happy April!  I can't believe it's already here.  Bluebonnet season is upon us.  For those that don't live here in Texas, this is a big deal to us.  We crazy Texans will pull over to the side of I-20 to capture some shots of the endless bouquet of our beloved state flower with our kids traipsing through.  While I have never felt safe doing this-- you know, a car could run into another one and spin in the air and land on top of my child--I lucked out and found a residential area in Waxahachie that had plenty of beautiful bluebonnet fields.  Plus, I finally got him to sit still.  Unfortunately, not too many smiles.  It was pretty close to nap time, but we managed to get a few good shots.  So thank you to the random lady that let us use her field of beauty.

Other big news for the week:  we finally have teeth!  That's right, tEEth.  At nine and half months, we woke up to TWO teeth Saturday morning, March 31.  I rub his gums every morning to check for new teeth, never expecting any since he hadn't woken up the previous night in pain.  He was a champ and never let us know he was hurting.  I love this kid. 

Look closely for his new pearly whites

Sorry for the quality.  This is the best he would let us get.

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