Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ethan's first Santa visit

I am not sure if it's just me, but I am jazzed about the Christmas season being upon us.  Maybe it having a cute little man to enchant with the magic of the season. 

We opted not to visit Santa for Ethan's first Christmas last year.  We thought he might enjoy it this year.  And since some of us don't particularly care for crowds, we took our chances that the malls wouldn't be too busy today.  I guess everyone got their shopping out of their systems on Friday because we were right.  There was no line.

Ethan was not sure what to think of the man dressed in red.  I have been trying to introduce him to pictures of Santa in efforts to prepare for this moment.  I wouldn't say my efforts went to waste, but maybe we should have rethought our plan of action since we started out like this......

He was not immediately impressed.
Once I sat down with him he was ok.  He actually befriended him after a second.   Next time we will know to request the high five first, then attempt the photo ops. 

As close to a smile as we got.
By the end of it he actually walked back over to see the bearded man and take a peek at some of the props around him.  He even chose to read The Night Before Christmas tonight for bedtime and was able to point to Santa on each page. 

Let's get the Christmas season started.  Gaylord, you are next on the list!  The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

17 months; my happy birthday; Thanksgiving celebrations

...all rolled into one post!

So I may be a few days behind on things. Thanksgiving and the fast approaching Christmas have been keeping me busy cooking or crafting, not to mention our teething toddler. FYI - teething is for the birds! A month later and we are all drool and cranky with no tooth breaking trough! Poor kid just has swollen white gums!

Our photoshoot for Gram's birthday present!

At 17 months little man is full of energy and spunk.  In the last month he has really started to mimic everything.  He will copy most sounds we make like mooing and quacking, etc.  Against Robert's efforts, he is sure to have a bit of a Texas twang.  He even moos in Texan.  Just this morning he actually addressed me as Mama, thanks to Robert's assistance.  A one time occurrence so far.  He also loves to blow kisses with a emphasized MUUAAH!  He even blows them during FaceTime.  He hasn't added a lot of words to his vocabulary quite yet.  I can see him trying though.  He will repeat the inflection in what we say.  He just can't quite say the words yet.

He has also recently learned to dance.  He will spin in circles when a song catches his attention.  Other milestones this month: he has started using a fork regularly.  He trys to undress himself sometimes.  This was an unsuccessful attempt!

He loves his friends!  He will hug them all.  He loves going on play dates.  They don't really play with one another yet.  But, they do like to be near each other.

But, mostly, he loves Bubble Guppies.  We don't have cable so he is forced to watch the iPad.  He will sit and watch one or two episodes while I make dinner.  He has gotten a little more this week with long car rides and also being a little under the weather.  But, he when he asks for 'Bub" it's hard to say no.

Happy birthday to me.  I spent the day watching the new Twilight movie with my mom and sister and then mom watched Ethan while we went out with friends for dinner and drinks.

The number this year is not important.  What is important is that my awesome husband bought me a new car, reasons are not important either. See here. I love it. It is spacious without being huge. We have navigation, my Ford touch, Sirius xm, and it talks to me. Robert's favorite features are the hands free lift gate and the 20" wheels.

I had a great birthday this year! Thanks to everyone that contributed to that.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We had a great day with family just eating and relaxing.  And thanks to Aunt Carissa for his Thanksgiving present to get ready for Christmas.  He loves his Rudolph.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Words cannot describe....

As I lie here not being able to sleep, I go through my Facebook page reading the days of thanks, day 11. While I don't post a daily thing I am thankful for, I am just that, thankful.

The past few days have been, how shall I say, stressful yet blessed. For those that don't know, Ethan and I were in a bit of a car accident. I won't go into details, but Miley looks like this. And, yes, I name each car I get.

I guess this picture explains how one can feel stressed and blessed at the same time.

This is also the reason I am so thankful.

I am thankful that Ethan and I and the other drivers escaped unscathed. A little shaken, but unharmed.

I am also thankful for an amazing husband that has handled everything so great! There was no yelling, no blame, no resentment for changed plans. He has handled everything. Along with a new job and school. You are my hero!! And I am sorry for adding to your list.....eek face!

I am thankful for great in-laws that have lent a helping hand and car for a few days.  Not a lot people have in-laws they actually like.  I am happy say that I do.

I am thankful for a great group of friends that I have acquired over the past few months. It has been sooooo long since I have had a great GROUP of women that I felt I belong with. While I lost a couple of friends once Ethan came around, I have gained so many that I may have never met had it not been for Ethan. I am truly grateful for each of you. All have offered a helping hand over the past few day for the upcoming week of possible no transportation so we are not stuck at home. The immediate response to having to decline activities brought tears of thanks and joy, that I rarely get.

I am thankful for my sister. I have the best sister in the world! She is one of the few people in this world that truly gets me. She doesn't see me as weird, but entertaining and fun! Good or bad she is there.

I am thankful for the friends that stuck around after Ethan came into our lives. Who knew there would be so few of you? So for that, Kristin, Chris, Sherri, Martin, Lindsay and Bern, thank you!

I am thankful for my mother. She is the type of person one should aspire to be. She is patient, kind, and understanding. She would do anything for her children. She is type of mom I want to be. I know that her lap is always there for me when I need a good cry or just a good hug.

I am tired now, but I intend to continue to add to my list as the month goes on.  So check back for your name here.