Friday, August 1, 2014

Brady is 2 months

Another month a flown by us and my baby boy is 2 months old.

He is one happy little guy. He loves to smile and coo. I get the best smiles when I am singing some of Ethan's favorite night time tunes. His favorite time of day is bathtime, followed closely by morning.

He loves to be held and walked around right now. Thank goodness for the Moby some nights or we wouldn't get dinner made. He still eating every 2-3 hours, about 4 ounces usually. He is sleeping about 5 hours stretches at night, most nights 10-3 and then 3:30-8/8:30. Most nights he goes down pretty easily. He is still in his pack and play in our room for now. He will soon be moving to his own bed.

He's a strong little guy. He holds his head up really well. He pushes his weight up on his arms when he's on his belly. He loves to roll himself to his side to smile and chat with me. He actually rolled himself over to his back a few weeks ago. He hasn't done it since, thank goodness. Don't grow up so fast little one.

We went for his checkup this morning. He was very happy and chatty with the doctor. His mood changed when he got his shots. He has been sleeping most of the day since we were done. I am sure it will make for a long night. But, I can't bear to wake him when he doesn't feel himself.

Here are his stats:

Weight: 14.0 pounds (95th percentile)
Height: 23 3/4 inches (75th percentile)
Head: 16 1/4 inches (80th percentile)

We love you chunky monkey.

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