Weight: 27.12 pounds (95th percentile)
Height: 31" (75th percentile)
Head Circumfrence: 19in (94th percentile)
Teeth: 6! He has the bottom two and 4 top teeth.
Formula: We are no longer on formula. We have switched over to organic milk. Woo hoo!
Solids: He loves to eat! We are fortunate enough to have a little guy that will try anything. He loves just about all of it. The only thing I have found he won't eat at all is bananas. He loves fruits, espcially strawberries, watermelon, avocado and blueberries.
New tricks: He is working really hard on learning to walk. He gets a little more confident everyday. He can stand alone for seconds at a time. He loves to push his highchair and the Batmobile around the house. He is slowly learning to use a fork. He can clap and wave.
Characteristics: He is pretty silly. He is so sweet and cuddly. He is much more independent than big brother was at this age. He doesn't like help with eating or drinking anymore.
Likes: He loves big brother. He loves mealtime. He enjoys playing chase, being tickled, face grabbing.
Dislikes: He doesn't love it when Ethan invades his personal space. He can't stand the car. We have found the Rainbow Connection, sang by Chara Corn, will calm him down at least. He also hates having his diaper changed.
Brady, your daddy, Ethan and I love you so much. You have brought great happiness to our family. You are such a blessing to us. From the first moment I saw you, I fell deeply in love again. You melt my heart with that huge smile and adorable cheek dimples. No one can look at either of those and not smile. Your charm, curiosity, and natural happiness is refreshing for us when we need it more. We hope you keep these traits with you as you grow. One of my favorite times of the day is bedtime. While you don't like to fall asleep with me in the chair, you do love to play with me right before you lie down. You love to grab my face and squish it, let me tickle you, let me sing "A Dream is a wish your heart makes", to you, climb on me, and talk to me. We have the best "conversations" right before bed. We look forward to watching you as you go from baby to toddler over the next year and to see you bond with your big brother. No matter what he says some days, he loves you so much! There is nothing I love more than listening and watching the two of you play and laugh together. We love you sweet boy.
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