I've made it almost a month! These kids are hilarious and adorable and trying and exhausting. I adore them both, and their daddy. I hope these two weeks of photos show that.
366/15 After a couple months break and a month of him asking us, he is back in swim class. Week 2.
He graduated to Leve. Little fish.
366/16 Gave Robert the camera. He loves to read. And I love to cuddle every last bit of baby that is remaining in him...chubby thighs, curled toes, and chubby cheeks.
366/17 One is doing his chores, the other is waiting patiently for his dinner
366/18 Some light reading on the stairs. He takes forever to get down the stairs bc he likes to stop and hangout.
366/18 Lego Store with big brother
366/18 Lego store is always something to do when we can't think of anything else.
366/19 "Watching" brother practice his reading and writing
366/19 Learning through Star Wars
366/20 Waking up is hard to do.
366/21 "What's out there?"
366/21 Timeout for Ethan for not playing nice. Just watching Brady. 2 minutes is a long time on the other side of the chair.
366/21 I've been looking for things to get Brady to participate in more focused playtime. After staying up late gathering things for this Tuesday night, my efforts lasted about 5 minutes with him. This heaven sent wooden box was delivered by Amazon at 3:30. At 4:15 they were BOTH still playing with it!
366/22 He asked me to color with him today. He took note of how I draw everything, how I added hair, and pants that aren't just lines, and even noticed that I had eyelashes and the boys don't. I almost scrathed this one bc of the finger in the nose and cups on the table. But, hey, that is pretty typical of a house of boys.
366/23 Always finding things to climb. My view from the shower that morning.
366/24 And this sums up how little man's day went.
366/24 But, we did have fun celebrating Christmas at Nanny's today.
366/24 I don't look forward to these littles becoming the bigs one day. But, when they do, I hope they are as patient with the future littles as these were with mine today playing soccer.
366/24 But, we did have fun celebrating Christmas at Nanny's today. Always has to be one nut....maybe 2
366/25 Running with Turk during naptime
366/25 Playing wiht my big boy during naptime, my efforts to get in the pictures a little more often.
366/25 And we made cookies during naptime. The best part is licking the mixers. "Mommy, I'll that the one with more on it"
366/25 Going in for post nap brother chats
366/25 He found Ethan's sunglasses just before bedtime. Didn't want to take them off.
366/26 "How many flavors can I have, Dad?"
366/27 First day of tumbling "Is it my turn yet?"
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