Friday, June 3, 2016

Daily Challenge: Days 116-152

Day 116: April 25, my grandmothers birthday. In honor we planted marigolds, which for some reason remind me of her. 

Day 117: Sneaking in on them, Ethan loves to "read" books to Brady.

Day 118: I love evenings like this.

Day 119: "Mom, you weren't trying to do dished, were you?"

Day 120: His teenage attitude got him baseboard duties. The house might be deep cleaned by the end of the summer.

Day 121: Family art time.

Day 122: I went to put my camera in the bag for a session and he followed me and said "eeeeze!" But that face...

Day 123: This was a rough day. But, we started and ended well. That's what matters at the end of the day....the giggles and the bonds made along the way.

Day 124: Flying with Dad

Day 125: First day in the "pool"

He got in quickly and hopped right out because it was cold. He watched for awhile and finally worked his way back.

Day 126: Home for 30 seconds before this happened.

Day 127: Learning to draw BB-8 at the Disney store

My budding artist wanted me to draw with him.

Day 128: Fine motor skills at their best when chocolate is at stake.

Day 129: Mother's Day. It's out of focus but this about sums up my world with these crazies. I love them so.

Day 130: First day at Del Coronado

Day 131: If one must work while on vacation

Day 132: Walking the streets of Coronado

Day 133: He asked me to take his picture with his buddy.

Monkey see, monkey do

Day 134: I love watching this kid eat. He's so animated about it.

Playing with his new toy

Day 135: Bathtime

"Do dinosaurs like soap? I bet Andrew Romine would know. Message his mom and ask her"

Turning on the water when Dad told us not to.

Day 136: Giving the kids a break today.

Day 137: Jumps in the pool like his Dad

Day 138: Almost 2 and he thinks he's big enough to give up the booster

Loves to jump. All.the.time

This kid, that face.

Watching, always watching

Day 139: Taking a break from our dance party

Day 140: Twinkle twinkle little star

Day 141: "Mommy, can Brady sleep with me tonight?"

Day 142: So much fun at his Little Blue Truck party.

Day 143: Playing with tractors

Day 144: Morning thunderstorms and Lego Avengers 

Day 145: Time to start packing.

They were playing while I made dinner. I snuck out there to listen and heard him singing "You're my best little bud, my best friend" And this is the face he made when he saw me.

Day 146: Big brother showing him how to use his new bath toy.

Day 147: Playing outside before the rain comes

Last last day of Bible Bears

He wanted to hold my hand to walk to class.

All registered for Kinder.

Day 148: Love that they love the book store. They could spend tons of time here or the library.

Day 149: Freelensing Turk

Day 150: Why you shouldn't have the tv on while having dinner.

Day 151: Memorial Day fun

Day 152: Today Brady turns 2. We went to the aquarium to celebrate.

That brings us to the end of May. Almost halfway through the year!

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