Monday, December 7, 2015

December fun

This time last year as I was posting pictures of Ethan in his big winter coat playing outside. It just goes to show how different our winters can be from year to year. I think he has only worn it twice this year so far. Since Thanksgiving, we have been in the full swing of getting ready for Christmas. We have made cookies, put up and trimmed the tree and decorated the rest of the house, and watched lots of Christmas movies. I was skeptical as to how the tree and decorations would hold up against Brady. To be honest, the first couple of days were a lot of "Brady, no.", "Brady, don't throw the ornaments.", "Stop whacking the tree branches." But, once the new wore off, there hasn't been much problem with it.


As you can see, both boys had a great time decorating the tree. And please excuse our mess in the midst of our decorating.

Over the weekend, we went to visit Gaga and Aunt Carissa and Macy. We also stopped by to visit Nana and Pop. The kids had a great time playing in the hallways. And sorry to Nana for eating all of her pretzels and cheetos!

After lunch we went to the park to play for a little while since the weather was so nice. Macy wanted to go swimming, Brady played on the swings, and Ethan mastered the monkey bars. He also got to play football with a couple of older boys. As he faked them out and ran with the ball for a touchdown he yelled, "I was comin' in hot!"

Our little American Ninja Warrior was very persistent to get across these things. Anytime he fell, he said "Oops, I fell in the water." When he made it across he came to me and said "I'm an America Ninja Warrior!"

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