Sunday, December 6, 2015

Happy half birthday Brady

Our sweet baby boy is becoming less of a baby with each passing day! It makes me happy and sad all at the same time. Some days he has me saying, "Man, I forgot how much I love this age." Other days, "Did Ethan act like this at this age?"

At 18 months he is in constant motion. He is one of the busiest kids I have ever seen. Generally, he is only still when he is sleeping, sometimes not even then. He loves to climb, run, play with any kind of ball, and more climbing. We are thinking he may be quite the athlete as he gets older. Especially since he will be trying to keep up with older brother and friends. 

He is our little bruiser, our tank. He is rough and tough and all boy. In fact, he got hit in the head with an Elmo phone at MDO the other and day and his teacher said it didn't even phase him. He just kept going on about his playing. All of this is great because he trips a lot and is on the go so much that he does bump his head a lot. Poor guy has his mother's grace. 

Things he loves: balls of any type, moving, bubba, Mickey Mouse, and books. His favorite book is The Little Blue Truck. Books are about the only thing that get him to sit still for any length of time. And while he is generally fairly independent, I have seen that 18 month old cling showing up lately to me.  

Things he's not so fond of: having his diaper changed, being in the car, having to put clothes on, or when I try to help him eat.

At 18 months he weighs 30.12 pounds (95%) and is 33 1/2 inches long (85%). The doctor says he is right on track with everything. He has a few words here and there outside of mama and dada. He is hitting all of his other milestones. He is sweet and loving most of the time. But, he does have quite the temper when he is in a bad mood. I have seen him lay down at McDonald's in a fit of anger and hit his mother because he didn't get what he wanted. All of it is very short lived. And after his "timeout" for hitting me, he came over to me, grabbed my face and kissed me. So, all was forgiven.

And I have been thoroughly enjoying our Wednesday mornings together while Ethan is at preschool. This last Wednesday we went to the doctor, got some Christmas shopping done at the mall, played in the play area, and had lunch together. It is great time together that I got for three years with Ethan. So I cherish this little bit of time I get with him while he is so little.

Little Hulk waiting on the doctor

A well deserved sucker

lunch at the mall

Loving on Ethan's Itty Bittys

My favorite picture

All in all, we are a busy family keeping up with two boys that are full of energy. But, Ethan is a great big brother (most of the time) and Brady is a lovable little squish. We are happy, healthy, and full of love. We can't ask for much more.

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