Monday, February 25, 2013

A little bedtime reading

After a rare day of being without my boy, I really enjoyed my bedtime snuggles and story.  But, while I was getting the humidifier ready little man decided to get started without me.  He stayed long enough for me to run and grab the camera!

Mom, Turk is right down here

We love Little Critter

He must of had a great time with Gram and Aunt Carissa because he went down without a fight tonight!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

20 months

First off - Happy Anniversary to my awesome hubby!!

Tuesday our boy celebrated his 20 month birthday.  This month has had a lot of changes. This kid is so full of personality. Just one day shy of 20 months he learned to open the back door {dropping my head in dread} and we had our first open wound.  Ethan decided to pop his head on the corner of the BBQ grill.  Just a few cries and kisses from Mom and all was well with the world again.

He loves to laugh and jabber on about who knows what. But, man, he is very serious about what he says. Most days are full of smiles, jabber, giggles, and sometimes even a full, hardy laugh. But, he has his moments lately. If he doesn't get his way, which is usually involving some form of electronics, he knows how to cry on cue. It is actually pretty entertaining. He will squeeze his eyes shut tight trying so hard to get tears to come out. He usually does. Luckily, he is easily distracted with a book, a puzzle, a car, or his favorite zoo.

We spend most of our time doing the things mentioned above. He has a great attention to detail. He lines everything up before he starts to play with them. His two favorite things right now are trucks and his zoo. He got the zoo for Christmas and it is played with almost daily.

And, oh the trucks. Dump trucks, bulldozers, big rigs, cement trucks, garbage trucks, it doesn't matter. He can spot one a mile away. And we have A LOT of construction around here. Any trip on the highway gets a "ucks" and pointing and squealing! He adores them. He even started watching a new show. Watch out Bubble Guppies, here comes Chuck the Truck.

This little smarty pants knows so much more than we realize. I am amazed each day at the things he remembers that I hadn't really pointed out, things that he just observes on his own. He points out the tiniest little animal in the background in books. One of my favorite things now is our book, "Hands Are not for Hitting". He waves to the hands on the page and then shakes my hand just like the pictures in the book. He knows just about all of his body parts, shapes, and animals. Now for colors.

This is what I frequently find in the playroom
He has finally started in on those molars. He has 3 of the 4 now. And his appetite is great these days. It makes meal times so much more enjoyable.

My favorite time with him lately is just after he wakes up, morning or nap. He is ecstatic to see me. We cuddle for a bit and then he plays. But, he always stops what he's doing for a random hug or kiss.

Robert's favorite time right now is right when he gets home. I have taught him to listen for the garage door. He starts yelling dada, dada when he hears it. He then runs (really runs, he has gotten so fast) with Turk to the door. Robert is always greeted with a big hug and smile first thing.

We are really loving and soaking in this sweet, lovable, funny boy. He makes my heart burst with pride each day with his generous spirit (and kisses).

Sporting the new rain boots Grandma and Grandpa brought us.
I can't believe that in four short months he will be a two year old. And only a few weeks from having his new cousin, Macy.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

First Valentine's Party

Thursday Ethan went to his first Valentine's Day party with our play pals.  All of the kids had such a great time passing out their valentines and placing the ones received in their little bags......wait a second, that is what the moms took care of while the kiddos played as normal.  But, they did look adorable in all of their Valentine Day outfits.  

Ethan, Camden, and Isaac trying to escape the madness.

Camden and Ethan were ready for home

Ethan taking a little break

What does this do?

Abigail rocking Ethan 

Ethan loving the sunglasses

About 10 toddlers taking the stairs

Let us in!!

Sarah and Ethan with the alligator

Ethan and his buddy Camden 

We even had a craft for them to do.  We used contact paper and placed an open heart on one piece.  The kids gently placed all of the little heart cutouts and ribbon inside before we placed the second piece of contact paper on top. They did a great job with the craft.  Especially since we were so close to lunch time.  Man, those kids turn on you pretty quick once they get hungry.  

Craft time.  This little guy loves the camera

We had such a great time spending the morning with our friends.  We are truly going to miss the frequency of our visits in a few weeks!  

The fun wasn't over later in the day.  Ethan, Robert and I had a romantic dinner of Taco Bueno take out.  Robert/Ethan brought me flowers.  And Ethan got a new Bubble Guppies guitar from his Valentine (me).

We hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day and weekend! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

A warm Texas February

We have really been enjoying the warmer weather the past couple of weeks.  We have spent the last two weekends outside having family time at the park.  It truly is heartwarming to watch Ethan follow Robert around climbing the equipment, running the park, and playing on the slides.  Ethan is lucky to have a dad that will exercise like this with him.

Little dinosaur running the park

Double slide action with Dad

Are we all smiling and looking?!?!
The warm weather has helped out in the late afternoon for Ethan to get out some excess energy after his nap.  This is what most evenings looked like this week while I was getting dinner ready.  This night we happened to be hanging out at Miss Abigail's house.

We attempted the park yesterday but, while it the temperatures were showing warm, the wind was whipping. We got about 5 minutes on the basketball court and head to warmer indoor facilities.  The plan was originally for me to let Ethan play at the park while Robert played basketball for a little bit.  This was the result:
This kid was on cloud nine

The warm weather is not all fun and games though.  It has been H-E-double hockey sticks on little man's allergies.  We have had most of the weekend with nights of coughing off and on.  I finally got him to sleep on a pillow last night.  I am hoping that helps some.

We have also been getting ready to move here in three weeks or so.  It proves to be difficult sometimes with a cute toddler using your boxes to play peek-a-boo with his new animal friends.  And no, we don't find pants necessary at home.

 Hope everyone else had a great weekend too!

Friday, February 8, 2013

One month to go

Today marks one month until our move to The Colony. As many of you know, Robert accepted a position with The Hartford in Frisco. While he is enjoying his new job the day after day commute is really starting to wear us all down. So with great heartache we decided to put the house on the market two days after Christmas. Would you believe it sold only after two showings and 10 days!?!? We were in shock and awe.
That didn't give us much time to find a new home. After LOTS of online research and house hunting in many different areas, The Colony won our hearts.

So in 4 short weeks we will say farewell to our first home as a married couple and family just 9 days shy of an exact 4 years after we moved in. We have had many great memories in this home. This is where we hosted our first Christmas party, had our first family BBQ's, and most importantly, had our first child. We made a few of our closest friends here. We will surely miss seeing those people on a regular basis, as they have become so special in our lives.

Alas, we are excited for the change and to have the opportunity to have a new house to make a home for the three of us and any future Flynn. Mostly, I am just happy to have my husband back home at a normal time in the evening and possibly get to see him for lunch some days. Hopefully, that's not just a romantic notion. Oh, and did I mention IKEA being just minutes from me?

I must get back to packing now. How do we accumulate some much in such a short period of time?

I guess our friends think we like our booze.....most of these were wedding gifts.