Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas from the Flynn's

We hope that everyone had a great Christmas!!  We had a great first Christmas with our little man.  We started the weekend with Christmas Eve at Gram and Pa Paw's house.  There was a great turn out this year.  Ethan got to play with his older cousins, Courtney (9) and Colton (4). 

Just as happy with the wrapping paper

 Playing peek-a-boo with Courtney

Colton looking for presents under the tree.

 Grandma and Grandpa Flynn and Uncle Mike came over for lunch on Christmas Day.  We spent the afternoon eating lunch, opening presents, and watching Ethan ham it up for his audience.  We definitely missed seeing Uncle Chris, Aunt Diana and Emma while they were living it up in sunny California.  We look forward to seeing them on Saturday.  After a full day of hanging with the Flynn crew, we made our way down to Nanny's house.  Yes, another trip to Red Oak.  We were pooped by the time Monday morning came.  Ethan got to meet a couple of aunt's and cousins for the first time that night.  He was pretty tired by this party and he stuck pretty close to me and his Uncle Boo Boo. 

I am sad to say that I forgot to get a picture of the three of us for Ethan's first Christmas.  And with my sudden need to get all of our Christmas things taken down to set up Ethan's new play area...the Christmas tree is gone.  Maybe I can find one still up somewhere so we can fake it.  No one will ever know....oops, cat is out of the bag. 
Posing for me in front of the tree
We hope everyone had a great Christmas and you are currently enjoying your last week of 2011!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Half Birthday!

Monday was Ethan's 6 month birthday.  We don't have any stats yet because we aren't due back to the doctor until early January.  However, my guess is that he is close to 22 pounds.  As you can see, although he is a very happy and smiley baby, he doesn't always smile for the camera.  He will smile for me or Robert, but not for the camera.  It takes two to get a good shot most of the time.  I can't believe how much he changes on a daily basis.  We have figured out the best incentive for him to crawl scootch -- Turk.  If Turk is on the floor near him he heads directly for him. 

After looking at his new convertible carseat in our living room for more than a week, I finally got it installed today!!  He seems to really like it.  It has a lot more room than the carrier.  The only flaw I have found is his neck doesn't seem as supported.  He doesn't seemed to be bothered by it, but I am. 


We have a busy weekend ahead traveling the metroplex.  I am really looking forward to Ethan's first Christmas with our families!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas is all around us

Ethan's first Christmas season is off to a great start.  We got the tree up just after Thanksgiving, his pictures have been taken, and presents are bought.  He loves the lights on the trees and shiny wrapping paper and boxes.  He has already received two Christmas presents.  Both light up and sing so he loves them and the wonderful ladies they came from, Kristin and Sherri.  Although, the basketball hoop Sherri got him may be stolen by Robert.  We will have to keep a close eye on it. 

A whole new world opened up to him when he learned he could jump this past weekend.  He put on quite a show for my cousin, Steve, and his family on Sunday night at dinner in his jumperoo.  This video is really his low key version of the show.  This started him on becoming a little giggle box.  He is so social now and loves to laugh and play.  I now spend my days tickling, cuddling, and playing bouncy games with him.  Such a rough life.  I am truely blessed to have the role of a stay at home mom. 

Ethan also received another early Christmas present from Grandpa Flynn.  He now has TWO car walkers.  Just like a Flynn, he already has too many cars. 
Dad, I promise I didn't see the cabinet there.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Time for Thanks

Well, I missed a good Thanksgiving post.  And I am terrible and didn't get any pictures of Ethan on his first Thanksgiving.  Lucky for me Diana got one of him and Emma trying to go down for a nap.  After a delicious Thanksgiving lunch Carissa and I went with all of the Flynn men to the Cowboy game to see them beat Miami while Ethan and Emma stayed with Grandma Flynn and Diana.  It was a great day.  We have so much to be thankful for this year.

Emma making sure that Ethan doesn't escape from his playpen

Pregame action

Carissa and I at the game
All in all Ethan's first Thanksgiving was a successful day.  I am excited for his first Christmas coming up soon.  We may have a mobile baby by then.  He has been trying really hard to crawl over the last few days.  I guess baby proofing is in order soon. 

Here a picture of Ethan's first trip to the park this afternoon.  He seemed to enjoy the swing.

P.S. We had his pictures taken this past weekend.  Look for his Christmas card in your mailbox soon.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mom turns the big Three Zero and Ethan is 5 months

I have officially left my twenties and entered into the dreaded thirties.  No worries though.  Like wine, women get better with age.  Thanks to a great husband, sister, mom, and BFF neighbor, the seven days of Kristin were fantastic.  Day 1 - Robert treated me to a massage while he took care of Ethan.  Day 2 - I got this giant glass to prepare for holiday wine drinking. 


Day 3 (my actual birthday) - Ethan and I had a great day of birthday shopping and lunch with Sherri.  Then we had a low-key night with pizza with Robert and Kristin for dinner at the house.  Fast forward to Saturday and Carissa, Mom, and I went to see the fourth installment of the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 1.  It was awesome!! 


Then when I got home there was party of friends and family waiting for me to celebrate.  Thanks to everyone for coming out to celebrate my big day!!  And to round the week out nicely, we got up early on Sunday and went to breakfast at Our Place with Kristin and Jason. 

Ethan's 5 month birthday was also on Saturday.  He doesn't have a doctor's appointment this month so these are only estimates from a squirmy baby.

Estimated Stats:
Weight: 20.5 pounds
Height: 26.5 inches

He is getting so big and gaining such a great personality.  Everyday he seems to be a different baby.  Over the weekend he worked on his full push-ups, all the way to his toes.  He always looks so proud of himself when he does it.  I guess I should start baby proofing soon.  Evidently, leaning back is for babies.  He only likes to sit in my lap now.  He has been perfecting his tripod sit over the last couple of weeks.  He has also found new interest in his four legged brother.  If Turk is sitting on the chair with us, Ethan is sure to "pet" his head or tug on an ear.  Turk takes such rough abuse. 

Look at me sit up

I love you!!
What are you doing, Turk?

Gentle pet......
Grab an ear!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ethan's Baptism

Saturday was a big day for Ethan.  He was baptized at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.  His closest family and friends were there to witness the occassion.  All of his grandparents, Aunt Carissa, Uncle Mike, Uncle Chris, Aunt Diana, Cousin Emma, "Uncle" Chris and "Aunt" Kristin were all there.  I know that his great grandparents who were not able to make it were there in spirit.  He and the rest of the babies there were perfect little angels.  In fact, he slept through the entire ceremony.  Well, that was until the end when the water was poured over his little head.  What a rude awakening for him.  But, he still didn't cry or put up a fight.  Uncle Chris has the honor of being Ethan's godfather while Aunt Carissa will be his honorary godmother (honorary in that the Catholic church doesn't recognize non-Catholics as godparents, but we do).  It is a good thing we had the ceremony when we did.  That cute outfit will not fit him too much longer.  After the ceremony we all went to Cousin's BBQ for a delicious lunch.  Thank you to everyone came out for Ethan's big day.  You all mean so much to us. 

A little shocked waking up to water being poured on his head.  Uncle Chris and Dad looking on.

Mom, Uncle/Godfather Chris, Dad and Ethan

The only picture really proving he was awake for some of the day

The Jackson Family

The Flynn Family

Aunt/Godmother Carissa, Mom, and Ethan

"Aunt" Kristin and Ethan post ceremony/pre nap

And just because I think he is so cute. 

"Daddy, you are so funny"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bananas, Apples and Pears...Oh my

Our baby boy is growing up too fast.  We have been working on solid foods for a couple of weeks now.  He is still unsure of what is going on, but he gives it a try everyday.  We started out with cereal.  He refused to eat it.  After 3 days of that, I gave up and moved on to veggies and fruits.  I spent a few days at Mom's house a couple of weeks ago.  I spent one of those days cooking, processing, and freezing fresh fruits and veggies.  The house did smell delicious with the baked pumpkin and butternut squash (or as Ross Gellar calls it, Squaternut Baush.)  For his first foods I made pumpkin, squash, pears, apples, green beans, bananas, and sweet potatoes.  I now have a couple of months worth of food ready for Ethan to try.  After trying a few different options I finally found one that he loves.....Bananas!!  He LOVES them!  Others I tried so far: avocado, pear, green beans, and squash.  He is indifferent about most so far.  He wasn't too excited about the green beans and squashSince I started writing this post he has changed his mind about the squash.  He ate it all tonight.  I have tried most of them.  I was surprised at how good most of these are without adding any extra ingredients, especially the squash. 
Banana is just as good on your face as it is to eat

Other milestones:

We now have a rolling baby.  As of this morning, Ethan can roll from his tummy to his back.  He seemed pretty pleased with himself.


Yesterday he endured a full day of shopping with Mom, Aunt Carissa, and Gram.  He was such a good baby.  I don't think we heard an unhappy peep out of him unless it was time to change a diaper.  He suffered through picture torture and trying to take a nap at Target.  He actually fell asleep sitting up.  I couldn't let him sleep slumped over so I made a minor adjustment.  He was quite surprised when he woke up.

Baby for sale at Macy's.  1/2 off!
A little confused what was going on when he woke up from a nap at Target.
For those really big Ethan fans that made this far into the post.....As of this evening he is now enjoying a jumper.  He loves it.  A big thanks to Uncle Chris, Aunt Diana, and Cousin Emma for loaning it to us.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Ethan's first Halloween was a success.  Obviously, he is too young for trick or treating.  So, we hunkered down at the house to pass out candy to the rest of the neighborhood.  While scouring Pinterest, I found a cute little costume that I thought would be easy to make.  The costume may not be as great as my original inspiration.  But, for the novice seamstress like it isn't too bad.  I haven't used a sewing machine since high school.  I do intend to practice and get better in the future.  It may be a little big and it may look more like a dress but, it was cozy.  I didn't sew the bottom because I didn't want to mess with it when it came to change his diaper. 

Side note:  Does anyone else feel that kids are kind of rude now?  Some of them didn't even dress up to trick or treat.

We spent the rest of the day playing at the house.  He has changed so much in the past week or so.  New expressions and personality.  He has started puffing up his cheeks like a chipmunk and purses his lips.  He is also starting to become a little more independent over the past week.  I can sit him down on the ground to play and he will entertain himself long enough for me to make dinner or clean the kitchen. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Deep fried anything + giant man in a pair of Dickies + good weather = Texas State Fair

This is something that I look forward to each year.  My first memory of the fair was 1987.  It was just a couple of my months after my fabulous baby sister was born.  I was 5.  It was a great night of family fun with mom and dad.  While Carissa stayed with my grandparents, we had corn dogs, cotton candy, and they bought me one of those plastic blow up animals on a stick.  I have been in love ever since.  We went every year as a kid.  Sometimes mom and Ramona took us on fair day and we would repeatedly ride the Love Bug.  Some years it was a family event after Dad got off work.  Once Robert and I started dating it became a tradition for us to go.  This is where he was introduced to Frito Pie.  A staple for this time of year.  2011 was the seventh year for us to check out the car show, have a corn dog, and buy dips or knives or anything that we don't really need.  Each year is the same, each year is different.  This is a tradition I plan to keep with Ethan.  Today was his first State Fair.  He did AWESOME!!  He let us push him around in his stroller most of the day.  He was enthralled with all of the people.  He seemed so at ease to be outside most of the day.  I was a little worried since he has been fussy the past few days.  But, he did great.  I look forward to many more family fair days in the years to come.  Next year we will try out the petting area and the go to the Dog Shows again.  If you are wondering, this year's fried food was mashed potatoes and oreos. 

Here are some of my favorites from the day.

Here is a little bonus footage of Ethan's first real big laughs.  Sorry about the poor shooting quality.  I will get better with time I hope. 
Back story: Robert was sweet and decided to make dinner for me.  Ethan and I went to see how is was doing.  The Australian accent came out and he loved it.  The first one is funnier, but I kept cutting him out.