Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Love and Marriage....

....go together like a horse and carriage.  Sorry, I couldn't resist.  And I apologize for putting the song in your head. 

This is not my usual gratuitous post about my adorable baby and his antics.  We will get back to him in our next post.  Instead, I want to take a moment to express to everyone how grateful and blessed I feel for my HUSBAND!! 

As I was listening to Kidd Kraddick and crew, yesterday morning on my way to work, I began to feel sad and a little annoyed - a frequent feeling I get when I listen.  They were discussing a survey about the relationships that are found in marriages.  It was pointed towards what is expected from each role, husband and wife along with the gifts and such that wives/girlfriends would prefer to receive from their significant others.  It really made me realize how cynical, not only the women on the show, but women in general have become about relationships and marriages.  The comment was made, "You wouldn't believe what he would expect if he empties the dishwasher" (or something to the affect).  Gifts that are preferred: a prepared meal, but with this comes expectations?  They compared relationships and marriage to legalized prostitution!?!  What has happened to the mindset of our society?   And who is to blame for this, man, woman, or both?

My husband realizes that marriage is a two way street.  He helps out around the house.  He helps take care of his son.  He even brings me flowers just because it is Tuesday.  He doesn't have to be asked to do these things, he just does them.   I can't count the number of times he has emptied the dishwasher or cleaned up around the house.  He even makes me breakfast on the weekends.....and cleans up after.

Is Robert like Nessie or Bigfoot?  Is this type of man that hard to find these days?  Or could it be that we, as women, have become so cynical that we have stopped believing and started settling?  I have a hard time believing that these men aren't out there.  I know plenty of men that are great husbands.  Women just need to stop putting up with crap and maybe give the good guy a chance.  Chances are you know this good guy.  You have been considering him your best friend.  The good guy wants to help out.  The good guy will be there and will expect only the same in the return. 

Robert, I love you and am so thankful for all that you do for our little family. 

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