Monday, February 20, 2012

8 months old

Ethan is 8 months old as of yesterday.  He is one happy, mobile baby.  This month's picture was pretty difficult to take.  He did not want to sit still.  He loves having his picture taken; he just thinks he should be starring in action shots, none of these posed photos.  I finally got one or two though, with the help of friends and the tv. 
Eight month stats
Weight: 22.6 pounds
Height: 28 inches

At eight months we are mobile and giggly.  He is so happy and sweet most days.  He is learning to play a little more independently, but not for long periods of time.  Kissing is one of his new favorite activities.  He uses them to try to get out of naps, but mostly just to be sweet.  I am positive this comes from all of the lips that are coming towards him when he is visiting Grandmas and then of course me.  Ethan is learning so much everyday.  He is starting to realize that actions have reactions, if you push a button it sings or lights up.  He has started to take more interest in books, more than just as a snack.  He actually sits through one and sometimes two.  He really likes Elmo at the Zoo and Dr. Suess' ABC's.  While his tv remote is still his favorite toy, he is learning to branch out to others.  He enjoys knocking down stacked blocks and his glowworm. 

We have been going to a playgroup once a week the past month or so.  Ethan is learning to interact with other babies.  His loving personality is turning him into quite the ladie's man.  He and Abigail play a couple times a week.  They are getting to know one another pretty well. 

As previously posted, he is starting to do some cruising on two legs.  He now uses his walker to push around the kitchen.  I am not in a big hurry for him to start walking, but I don't think I get much say in the matter.  I guess I could pull a Josh Duhamel and push him down like in Life as we know it.  But, I guess that isn't as funny in real life.....

Some of his other favorite activities include all things Turk.  Whether it be giving him kisses, petting him -- which is really just him flinging his arms up and down in his general direction, or chasing Turk in his car, it is always as good time to Ethan.  Turk is going to be getting some exercise once Ethan does start walking. 

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