Monday, April 22, 2013

What should be bluebonnet pictures

...are actually pictures in a field of greens with specs of purple.  I had been told by many in the area that the JCP campus has a large field of beautiful bluebonnets to get to some photos of the kiddos.  So, Sarah, Joe, and Abigail came all the way from Ft. Worth to see us, have dinner, and take some pictures of some cuties.  I can see that most years there are probably bountiful bluebonnets.  Not this year.  Maybe we haven't had enough rain or too many random cold snaps.  But, that didn't stop me from following these kids around with my camera.  Here are just a few of what I got.

Peek-a-boo, Abigail

Ethan not sharing his goldfish
Playing ring around the rosy
Now this one is pink, and this one is red...
A true shot of their personalities.  Abigail is always running, Ethan is very laid back and chill
Love him

Stopping to smell the flowers
Abigail is actually sitting behind him here

Always smiling

While we didn't have a lot of luck with the bluebonnets this year, we had a great time chasing these little ones around.  They tried to photobomb another family's photo session.  Sarah even lost her keys in the field. We had to call Robert and Joe to come help us find them.  Joe saved the day and found them in a bush.  We are glad they decided to come out for dinner and fun.

Hopefully, Waxahachie will be a better spot this weekend.

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